As technology is growing so does every branch of this industry including web development. (It goes without saying that not only tech industries are growing – other industries are expanding too so that nowadays we have online shopping, online streaming and online bookies similar to the Swedish JavaScript is the language of the web. JS, as commonly shortened, is a text-based, object-oriented programming language that enables you to create interactive pages. It is used for both client-side and server-side scripting. Along with the almost inseparable HTML and CSS, it is a powerful tool for building multimedia web apps.
Over the past decade, quite a few frameworks were developed to save coding time and filter the code. A framework is basically an environment that enables you to build dynamic applications in less time by utilizing libraries to define the structure of an application.
The two most popular JS frameworks are certainly Angular and React.

Before we define the two, let’s point out that both are used to make single-page applications (SPAs). A SPA interacts with users by rewriting the content on the current page with the newly fetched data from the server instead of rendering new pages. This dynamic interaction improves both the performance and user experience.
1. Angular
Key word: Framework
Angular is a free open-source web application platform developed by Google and serves as an application builder.
2. React
Key word: Library
Developed by Facebook, React is a free open-source JS library for creating UI components.
JS Framework vs JS Library
Even though both actually represent reusable code, and the two terms are used interchangeably, there are some differences between a framework and a library. A framework is the blueprint of an application, it defines its structure. A library provides functions an application can invoke and execute to perform an assignment. The main difference is in controlling the app flow. The framework is always in charge of the code, while you can call a library when you need it.

It’s a never-ending battle when it comes to choosing between Angular and React. Angular has MVC (Model View Controller) architecture while React relies on Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). Angular uses TypeScript, whereas React is based on ECMAScript which was designed to standardize JavaScript.
React offers more flexibility and independence since it’s a library and you can add as many libraries as you need. The code is easy to understand. React updates the UI almost immediately without fetching that view from the server. The syntax resembles HTML and you can find incredibly comprehensive documentation.
React makes a great smart choice if you have experience with HTML and JavaScript. It is ideal for a multiple events application. Also, perfect to use if you wish to build shareable components.
Angular, on the other hand, offers easy access to information, higher security of data. It is low maintenance, high performance, keeps your code clean, and can be tested effortlessly.
How to make a choice?
When it comes to single-page applications, both Angular and React make an excellent choice. In addition, both have large and active communities which means easily accessible solutions in case you bump into problems. You cannot go wrong with any of the available JavaScript frameworks because they save time and money. Hopefully, this article can help you make a choice based on the functionality and requirements of your project.