Students can be difficult at times. Some do not want to learn and are lost in their own thoughts. Others are far too noisy and can’t wait to make a remark which will make the class react. Some are simply too eager to learn and disrupt other students’ efforts.
Regardless, students often find ways to disrupt your class and make the teaching experience challenging. That has always been present in a classroom and always will be. However, in this day and age, we do not beat our students with a stick if they are unruly, we discipline them. Here are a couple of ways to deal with disruptive students in 2021.
Find Out Why They are Misbehaving
The gist of dealing with unruly students is connecting to them. Essentially, without having to punish or embarrass a student, a teacher should be able to deduct or even ask a student why they are behaving as they are. Direct questions will most likely not work, but you could talk to them or send them for a water break. A stretch and walk should do any student good.

Harness Their Excess Energy
Rowdy and misbehaving students often have an excess of energy. Why not use it to everybody’s advantage? Such students would make for perfect assistants. They could help you gather stuff or draw on the whiteboard. Give them some responsibility and see how they react to it. Perhaps they just seek attention and standing in front of class and helping the teacher will put the spotlight on them, while also teaching them responsibility.
Encourage Engagement – Games and Tasks
Repetitive tasks such as filling out a multiple choice quiz or practice test can get tedious. But, if you have a roleplay drama class where everybody gets a turn to speak or do something physical, then you will most likely have happier students who will be more than happy to oblige.
Any sort of physical activity while learning the subject can help with students who have excess energy.
Encouraging Quiet Students – The Balance
Some students prefer to stay quiet and that is their choice. But, as a teacher, you should make sure that they find their footing and voice. By giving them more opportunities to do these things, they will in time find it easier to talk or stand in front of class. All of these things can be practiced and as a teacher, helping the quiet students is as important as slowing down the rowdier ones.
Positivity, engagement, encouragement and some activities, and you will have a relatively happy and occupied classroom. Everybody is different and as a teacher, you will get to know your students and find the best way to deal with every individual’s hurdles.