While we often browse the internet for fun, looking for another TikTok to share with our friends, a Betfair Promo Code, or another hilarious sticker pack for our personal chats. However, that is not always the case. Most of the times, we use the web for something educational or informative; people look for .edu websites and blogs regarding things of their interests, just like I’m assuming you did when you stumbled on this blog. So since you’re already here – what do you think, what is better for gaming? PC or a full console?
While many have a strong opinion for this, both good and bad, in reality, there are benefits and cons to both, so let us examine them to see which one would be better for your use case.

Consoles are Cheaper When the Supply is Steady
Nowadays we have a little of a supply constraint due to a global pandemic. When a pandemic is not ravaing the world, we get more of everything and prices are normalized. For the money, nothing beats the consoles, whether an XBox or a PS. They are like computers nowadays and the newest gen consoles can run most triple A games without a hitch. They also play movies, music and do everything you want from an entertainment device. Consoles are great but they are limited in a couple of ways. You can rarely upgrade anything on a console. The thermal solution might not be the best. You cannot use them for anything other than entertainment.
PCs – More Expensive but With More Options
PCs were generally always thought better if you wanted the absolute maximum performance, or anything above 100 FPS for competitive gaming and high refresh rate gaming. A PC will cost more than a console, if you want to buy better hardware. You could probably find something cheaper and upgrade after a while. That way you can still game and do work, but also have the option of getting better components after a year or two. With consoles, you would be stuck with a single device unless you purchase another, better one.
PCs tend to get more frequent upgrade options, from hardware to software.
What Works Best for You is the Better Option
There is no point in talking about which one is better in a vacuum. Context is always necessary, such as price, your budget, the supply and demand of the market, your preferred use case at the moment and in the future.
Any of these things can sway the decision towards PC or console. Another thing to note, consoles have exclusive titles, which you can only play on either one or the other of the consoles, depending on Microsoft and Sony’s whim.

Consider Everything Before Deciding
The exclusivity of games, the potential upgrades, whether you play games with your friends, whether you want to be competitive, whether you want to do work on a computer, all of these things can help you decide what to purchase.
If you have enough money and love to game or work, purchase both consoles and a PC.
There is no better in a vacuum, only when a certain context is given, especially when you consider that everybody has a different budget, need or use case. With that, consider whether you need either a PC or a console, or both, and do not fret about which is better.