We are living in a world where technology drives change and with that change we are also directed another way. We use it on the daily for various reasons; work, communication, online fun (think Twitch, Amazon Prime or even a coral sign up offer). Even in schools, technology has arrived, for better or worse. Depending on the school, some allow students to have mobile phones in class, others do not.
It is worth taking a closer look, whether technology and its prevalent usage everywhere, including schools, is good for the students and the education.
Technology Use is Inevitable

Teachers who prefer using whiteboards or even blackboards and chalk, might have some issues adapting to the novelties of technology. Other teachers have embraced it and made the best out of the situation. If students prefer using mobile phones and laptops then it would be easier to reach out to them by using that medium rather than one they do not identify with at all. Some teachers can make the old fashioned ways work, but they should not be exclusive in their methods. Technology is here and the best thing one can do is find a way around it, either by using it or making sure that the students do not abuse it. Directing the class is essential, but outright dismissing technology is like ignoring climate change, a futile effort.
Projectors and Laptops are Great
When you have a topic which can be presented with a video or through an interesting presentation, then using projectors is a great idea. Students generally enjoy visual content, especially if the person in the video is witty or the very situation is cheerful. It is a great way to reach out to students who spend a lot of time with their mobile phones and on social media. Laptops might be useful in class, in case some students prefer typing instead of writing. While they should know how to write, that skill can be the language teacher’s duty, while others could make use of the technology to make everything smoother.

Too Much Screen Time Might not Be Good
Screens are not really good for our eyes, even though they became much better. Yet, if a student has access to a laptop, they will most likely have access to the internet, and with that, endless ways to be distracted.
Moderating that during class can be a huge challenge. Some teachers will outright ban technology use in class while others will find a more assertive solution, like using these devices to find answers.
Yet, there should be a balance of screen time and a lack of it. It would be great to teach the students discipline regarding phone/laptop and computer usage.
Making Connections – Technology as a Bridge
Modern students will be using technology daily, even hourly. With that in mind, you as a teacher can make use of that, as a bridge to help you connect to your students. This way, you can understand them better and they will be more likely to see your point of view. Building a connection and having the students trust you is an important step in being a great teacher.
Technology can help with that. Using social media, chat applications and educational software is a great way to connect to your students, in real life and during class.
Technology can be used to better the teaching and learning experience in a classroom. Moderation and correct usage are required, so pay attention to your students and how they behave when given liberty to use their phones and laptops.